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Plus Minus Wall


Location: Damavand, Tehran 

Size: 160 m²

Status: Commissioned project- Unbuilt


Local Project Supervisor: JII9 (Shirin Hadadian, Milad Salehivasegh)
Structural: Mohammad Panahi
Mechanical and Electrical: Moein Karimi
Detail designer: Behdad Shahvari, Mansour Naghdi & Afsaneh Esfandiari nia
General contractor: Raahrodesign (Amir Mokaber, Saman Haji Saffar)

Plus Minus Wall consists of a plinth, a corridor space, a wall, a chimney, and three single-family houses. They are aligned on a diagonal axis marked by the wall on the ground, which creates a conflict between the frontality of the land and the building’s diagonal juxtaposition. The wall demarcates the space and defines a series of related antagonisms: inside and outside, closed and open, mass and void, in-between and besides, behind and front. Apart from defining the space, the wall embeds, hides, separates, and reveals the other parts of the building.

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