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Micromega as discrete interpretations (Science City) 


Micromega as discrete interpretations proposes an understanding of the spatial dimensions of the Micromega series of drawings by Daniel Libeskind to identify the projective and pictorial aspects of the drawings and understand their operative potentials. This project was never meant to study Micromegas based on what Libeskind claimed about it but rather to explore the comparisons and differences that have been made about the series. The operative potentials of Micromegas, such as different Cartesian coordinate systems, shallow pictorial depth, formal fragmentation, multiplied layering, indexicality, etc., reference a chronological past.

Also, overlapping these operative potentials creates tension between a series of antagonisms – foreground and background, surface and solid, open and closed, behind and front, shallow and deep, scaled and scaleless, continuous and discrete, among several others.

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